3 Phases of a Successful Sustainability Strategy

June 04,2024 Category: Sustainability
In a world where environmental consciousness is no longer just a trend but a necessity, businesses are increasingly focusing on sustainability. Crafting an effective sustainability strategy isn't just about good intentions; it's about deliberate planning and execution.

Packaging sustainability is a complex topic. While tactical objectives are easy to manage, sustainability must be approached strategically to drive long-term change. The process described below helps packaging teams ensure the development of a sound plan. This three-phase process is designed to help them determine the most impactful way to focus their company’s resources to enhance packaging sustainability.

Project Initiation

When a project first begins, several initial steps must be taken to build a foundation for a strong sustainability strategy.

Create a Business Case

Before embarking on any sustainability initiative, it's essential to articulate a compelling business case. This involves identifying the potential benefits, such as cost savings, brand enhancement, and risk mitigation, that sustainability efforts can bring to the organization.

A well-defined business case not only secures buy-in from stakeholders but also provides a roadmap for measuring the success of the sustainability strategy. Identifying the main drivers for creating a sustainability strategy is also essential. This includes determining corporate social responsibility and knowing what consumer/retailer requirements are available to begin your strategy. The most suitable next step is to develop a mission statement.

Build a Sustainability Team

Sustainability is a multifaceted endeavor that requires cross-functional collaboration. Assemble a diverse team with representatives from various departments, including operations, supply chain, marketing, and finance. Each member brings unique expertise and perspectives to the table, fostering innovation and ensuring that sustainability goals align with broader business objectives. Having a diverse and versatile team will allow for creative ideas to be shared and will assist in the overall development of a comprehensive, well-rounded sustainability strategy.

Seek Senior Leadership Support

Securing support from senior leadership is essential to the success of any sustainability initiative. Leadership buy-in not only provides the necessary resources and authority but also signals a commitment to sustainability throughout the entire organization.

Senior leadership has a responsibility to lead an organization's environmental, social, and governance agenda. Engage executives early in the process, clearly articulating the strategic importance of sustainability and its alignment with the company's mission and values. Securing their support enables packaging pros to better align their sustainability strategy with other business initiatives and the company’s overall strategy.


During this step, companies must evaluate their baseline data regarding current sustainability practices and the impact these new initiatives will have on current processes.

Determine the Current State of Sustainability for Each Department

To develop an effective sustainability strategy, it's crucial to assess the current state of sustainability across all departments. Conduct audits and gather data to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. This holistic approach ensures that sustainability efforts are integrated into every aspect of the business, rather than being siloed in specific areas. Executives must also evaluate the existing goals of each department to ensure they align with the overall strategy.

Benchmark Current State of Packaging:

Packaging plays a significant role in the environmental footprint of products. Evaluate the current packaging materials, design, and waste management practices to identify opportunities for optimization. Benchmarking against industry standards and best practices provides valuable insights and sets achievable targets for increasing packaging sustainability.

During the benchmarking process, a life cycle analysis is key in determining points of failure and opportunities for improvement regarding sustainability. With this analysis, you can evaluate the product's environmental impact and process. This analysis will be important when it comes to decision-making for the overall sustainability development of the packaging. Benchmarking existing packaging efforts provides a basis for understanding where an organization’s sustainability strengths and weaknesses lie.

Evaluate Supply Chain to Determine Inefficiencies:

The supply chain is a primary driver of environmental impact for many businesses. This is why it is essential to evaluate products and packages throughout their entire production cycle. Therefore, companies can identify areas of waste and areas for improvement. Manufacturers must assess the entire supply chain, from sourcing raw materials to distribution and end-of-life disposal, to identify inefficiencies and opportunities for sustainability developments. They can also collaborate with suppliers to implement sustainable practices, such as reducing waste, optimizing transportation routes, and increasing energy efficiency.

Goal Development

Utilizing the collected baseline data, packaging teams can develop goals and metrics that will serve as the foundation of their sustainability strategy. With a better understanding of the company’s current state of sustainability, they can set ambitious and achievable goals for their sustainability strategy.

Finalize Mission Statement: Revisit the business case and refine the mission statement. See if any areas need improvement or could voice the intention of using sustainability practices with the company’s products.

Set Strategic Goals: Systematically identify the organization’s strengths and weaknesses to create strategic goals that will support your strategy. Packaging teams should establish specific and measurable targets aligned with their sustainability objectives. Whether it's reducing carbon emissions, minimizing waste generation, or increasing renewable energy usage, setting clear targets provides focus and accountability for the strategy.

Determine Actions Required to Support Goals: It is essential to outline actionable steps and initiatives to achieve sustainability goals. With the support of the broader packaging team, leaders can assign responsibilities, allocate resources, and establish proper timelines for implementation following the development of the plan. By prioritizing and identifying initiatives based on their impact, they can ensure efforts are effectively coordinated and met across the organization.

Establish Tracking & Reporting: Determine how sustainability improvements will be tracked and communicated throughout the organization. To ensure the sustainability strategy is successful, packaging teams should regularly monitor and track progress towards its goals, using key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success. It is also important to remember that based on current regulations, brands are now considering how suppliers will measure their KPIs and how those KPIs align with ESG reporting. ESG reporting should align with public filings such as financial and social responsibility reporting. Stay agile and adaptable, adjusting strategies and tactics as needed based on evolving internal and external data. Transparency and communication are essential to keep your organization informed and engaged throughout the sustainability journey.

Overall, a successful sustainability strategy is built upon a foundation of careful planning, cross-functional collaboration, and ongoing evaluation and adaptation. By following the three phases outlined above—Project Initiation, Discovery, and Goal Development—businesses can pave the way toward more sustainable processes while simultaneously driving value and innovation. Embracing sustainability is strategically imperative for long-term success in today's rapidly changing business landscape.

If your organization could use expert guidance to help establish a strong sustainability strategy, get in touch. Adept Group has experience helping companies just like yours set actionable goals and create a roadmap to achieve them.